Monday, November 24, 2008

first snow...

After a crazy evening, and several inches of snow falling, the kids wanted to build snow men, and it ended up being a family affair. All six of us were out there rolling and packing and throwing and making snow angels. What a perfect evening! It was such a great memory to just spend time as a family doing something so simple and fun! The kids were excited that we actually got to use the now man kit that Santa got us a few years ago that went 2 whole winters without being used!! Check flickr for the gallery. I already know what I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Christmas pictures...

After a whole bunch of "whyyyyyyyyyy do we have to have our pictures taken"????, the pictures actually turned out wonderful and the kids actually survived! Amazing! Here is a link to the Dick's Studio Blog, the kids' picture is the post titled "active", Saturday, Nov 15th.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat...

It's difficult to believe that Halloween has come and gone already. With three in school now, the kids' halloween costume parade on Friday was a lot of fun - Joel dressed up to watch it with me, and we had a good time trying to pick the kids out of the crowds of masks and faces! Grandma Fox and Grampa Fox both came to try their luck at picking the right kids too.

Luckily, Joel took a nap, because by the time we ended up at home at 9:15 pm, they were all tired, whiny and half asleep!

Here is the gang - more pictures are on flickr